
    About Trailer Town

    The Movie Trailer Capital of the World

    Welcome to Trailer Town. Thanks for coming everybody! No more rooting through the dingy riffraff of Internetland. We're collecting all the highest-quality, ad-free trailers we can and giving them a beautiful home here.

    But who are we? Just some movie-loving web designers and developers who’ve banded together to create the movie trailers website that we ourselves wanted to visit. And so far we’re pretty happy with the place!

    trailer town founders
    Julian Jones, Jillian Farris, Joel Farris, Alex Carvalho
    The Founders / Designers / Developers / Authors of Trailer Town

    We Watch Them All So You Don't Have To

    If we told you about every new trailer you’d be in over your head. That’s why we’re curating them for you, only highlighting the ones we think you’ll want to see. And because we’re pretty quick, you’ll be the one texting your friends a link to the best of them. And not the other way around.

    So sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy your stay.

    P.S. You can follow us on Twitter for our hand-picked feed of the latest trailers.